Amazons Watch is excited to bring you our brand new Fitness Challenge series. In this 1st episode, we join Lucy Wyndham-Read for her 7-minute/ 7-day loose belly fat challenge. The aim of the AWM Fitness Challenge Series is to motivate you to become the best and healthiest version of yourself. You’ve got this!
“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.”
“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” – Helen Keller American author, disability rights advocate, political activist and lecturer.
Relationship Between Volunteering and Well-Being
Volunteering has long been a basic practice for some individuals. People every year give out their time, skills and resources without any intention of receiving any compensation. Although these volunteer exercises may be carried out with the motive of helping others, there is also a popular belief that those who give of themselves also receive.
Do They Really Mean No More “Lyes”?
By Tanya Maswaure
Previously, we discussed black hair, including politics and good natural products to use. However, there are so many avenues to explore when it comes to natural hair. We have spoken about some advantages, but in our hair journeys, we can encounter hazards. This is beyond straightener burns and upper arm strain from all the combing. Some of these hazards can actually be fatal such as chemical poisoning from hair relaxers, specifically the toxic chemical called Lye.
Seven women’s rights lost since the emergence of the Taliban
Since the takeover by the Taliban, Afghan women have indeed lost their freedom and rights to major life necessities.
UNSC Propagates A “Swift” Reversal of The Policies Restricting Women’s Rights
In a unanimously adopted statement, the United Nations Security Council urged the Taliban to “swiftly reverse” policies restricting human rights and freedoms for Afghan women amid fears that the Taliban was turning back the clock on women’s rights.
The US Government Shows Support for Young Women In Stem
The US government has stated that it will assist the next generation of women leaders in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics, STEM, by connecting them with the professional networks and opportunities required to advance their careers and dreams in tech fields.