


7 Ways Women Owned SMEs Can Avoid Bankruptcy amid Covid-19

Michelle Fox In recent times, women owned businesses forms the lifeblood of most of the big cities in the world, however, following the impact of the coronavirus outbreak, some of these businesses are shutting down while for some the method of doing business has changed drastically. While the coronavirus seem to pose a huge threat to small and women owned businesses, most business expert are encouraging entrepreneurs to look at the brighter side. “Right now we are being forced to change the way we work, but that doesn’t mean businesses have to suffer. Productivity can be just as high and businesses can thrive. Working remotely will save many businesses during this time,” says Silvina Moschini, co-founder of TransparentBusiness, digital innovation expert, international speaker, and entrepreneur. The coronavirus outbreak has affected everything in life including businesses run by women. In the midst of the lockdown, the fate of most women entrepreneurs…

Do’s and Don’ts of Working from Home!

By Aditi Maheshwari

How prepared are you to take the world by storm with the outbreak of covid19? Well, whether you or your company accept it or not working from home is the new work culture we are heading towards. With the various health and safety measures which include social distancing, dished out on a daily basis to help save people from contracting the virus, work-life or simply put ‘physical corporate space’ are beginning to move their offices to the clouds if you know what I mean. While working from home is not new to a certain category of people, there are a certain class of people who lack the buzz in working from home and might also find this very challenging in the beginning. However, if handled with a positive attitude and balanced approach we can actually leverage the strength of working from home. To maintain a balance between your personal and professional life is easy if you keep certain points in mind. Sharing in this article are some dos and don’ts of working from home so that you can enjoy the best of both worlds.

Malaysia’s Lockdown Pays Little Attention to Women’s Needs

When the Malaysian government imposed a Movement Control Order in mid-March, requiring almost all workplaces to close and employees to work from home, after a sharp rise in coronavirus cases, the last thing it expected was jokes about men shopping. But a specific measure of the Movement Control Order, or MCO, is to allow only one person, the “head of the family,” to go out to buy groceries. Despite there being close to 240,000 single mothers in Malaysia, who are likely in charge of their households, the presumption remains strong that the head of the family is a man. After this announcement, jokes abounded among Malaysians on how untenable it is to make a man go out to buy fish and vegetables because knowledge about these things is the woman’s domain. The Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development did not ask how this rule might impact single mothers going…

Protect Women from Domestic Violence During Coronavirus Lockdowns: Pope

Pope Francis said on Monday society had to stand behind women victims of domestic violence, as abuse increased around the world during coronavirus lockdowns. Francis praised women in frontline roles in helping society weather the crisis, mentioning doctors, nurses, police officers, prison guards and sales staff in stores selling essential goods. The pope, speaking on a religious and national holiday in Italy and other countries, also praised the many women at home helping children, the elderly and the disabled. But, speaking from his official library rather than from a window overlooking St. Peter’s Square, Francis said: “Sometimes they (women) risk being victims of violence in a cohabitation that they bear like a weight that is far too heavy.” “Let us pray for them, so the Lord grants them strength and that our communities support them along with their families,” he said. Domestic violence has risen as many countries imposed tougher…