In the summer of 2020, Chloe Petts intended to debut her first full-length show in Edinburgh, but we all know what transpired there. Transience is one of the most accomplished debuts I’ve ever seen at the Edinburgh Fringe because the Kent-born comic, who was already making waves on the stand-up circuit, had two extra years to work on it. A new performer is introduced in the traditional “this-is-me” fashion, with Petts eloquently describing who she is and how she got to where she is. She discusses gender, a significant topic at the Fringe, in a way that is approachable, calm, and quite amusing. Petts claims that she has always felt old, although a more sophisticated kind of old. She enjoys playing football and owns Crystal Palace season tickets. She feels as though she loves football the way males love it, strongly identifying with boy culture despite the fact that there…