
Safe Girl Reusable Pads and Healthful Periods

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In order to provide reusable sanitary products for women and girls, Catherine Nakayemba and her two friends Atuhurra Angella Marjorie and Ndagire Corret, founded Safe Girl Reusable Pads in 2016. The pads for rural communities are made by Safe Girl, a company situated in a community in Mpigi District, which now employs 11 young moms.

Because they may last up to two years, reusable sanitary towels are perfect for those who live in remote places without running water, power, or toilets. They are also reasonably priced and environmentally safe. When it comes to climate catastrophe and lowering greenhouse gas emissions, this is excellent news.

Single-use period products like tampons and pads are a substantial global contribution to single-use plastic trash, according to the UN Environment Programme’s report Single-use menstrual products and their alternatives, Recommendations from Life Cycle Assessments.

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