Africa News

Kenya: NSE to Increase Women Representation on Boards and Management Minimum 30%

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The Nairobi Securities Exchange (NSE) has joined the 30% club, a global campaign to take action to increase gender diversity in boards and senior management within the workplace, cementing its commitment to enhance gender equality in corporate leadership in Kenya.

By joining the 30% club, the NSE will champion for at least 30% representation of women on boards and senior management of companies listed on the NSE and within the larger Capital Markets.

Geoffrey Odundo, CEO, NSE said, “We are delighted to join the 30% club as we continue to spearhead gender equality and inclusion in Boards and Senior Management of listed companies. This milestone underscores our commitment to supporting companies leverage on various aspects of diversity to enhance business capabilities in a rapidly changing operating environment.”

Zuhura Ogada, CEO, New Revenue Solutions Africa, stewards of 30% Club East Africa said, “We are happy about this collaboration with the NSE and commend them for joining the 30% club. The 30% Club is not a quote, it is a tipping point at which a minority voice is able to influence a conversation. This announcement is part of a broader initiative run by Business Engage NPC to create a movement for gender mainstreaming in Africa. Gender Mainstreaming is different from gender diversity and women empowerment in that one is a business issue and not a women’s issue.” 

As a member of the UN Global Compact and the UN Sustainable Stock Exchanges Initiatives, the NSE is keen on supporting listed companies leverage on diversity as they seek to enhance their competitive edge.


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