


How To Nurture Young Girls To Follow Their Passion

By Goodnews Buekor A child’s identity begins from the moment they are born; however, the teenage phase is a defining period. In this phase, critical decisions that will affect and shape their identities into adulthood will be made. One of such is the frequently asked question, “What will you want to be when you grow up?” Parents play a crucial role when it concerns kids’ aspirations of what they want to be. The adolescent age is where self-limiting thoughts can suffice, but the parent can help keep these beliefs in check through conversations and creating the right opportunities. These tips can help you nurture your girl to follow through with her passion Exposure Let your child see the world with her own eyes, don’t cage her. Take your kids out so they know things for themselves and form opinions about what they like. Educational Psychologist, Dr. Dion Terrelong, advises parents…