The concept of love means so many things to so many people, and until we get the meaning of love right, a lot will continue to go wrong in our relationships.
Eno Sam: Redefining Narratives While Building Impact, Influence and Income Through Writing
Eno Sam is a Nigerian youth enthusiast, author, writing coach and consultant. Her journey to becoming a big brand in the writing industry in Nigeria is not without roadblocks and difficulties. Amidst these, Eno has been able to rise to remarkable heights.
National Cancer Survival Day
By Tanya Maswaure
“Cancer shaped me, but it did not define me. It’s part of me, but not all of me,” – Hoda Kotb
Cancer is one of the world’s largest health problems. The Global Burden of Disease estimates that 9.56 million people died prematurely as a result of cancer in 2017. Every sixth death in the world is due to cancer. Fortunately, this same research has also shown that due to awareness, early detection and improvements in treatment the rate of survival is increasing. We live amongst thousands of cancer survivors who have fought the battle and pulled through and the National Cancer Survival day is a celebration of these survivors.
Tara Banjara’s Journey from Child Labour Victim to Survivor and Activist
By Tanya Maswaure
It was a sight to see as one of the youngest delegates stood up in front of hundreds of people with a bold voice and all the confidence a 17-year-old could muster.
Yetunde Asika: Bringing Value to the Advocacy Table
By Tanya Maswaure
“You have to have a lot to bring to the table, and you can only get that by loving what you do.” -Yetunde Asika.
Do They Really Mean No More “Lyes”?
By Tanya Maswaure
Previously, we discussed black hair, including politics and good natural products to use. However, there are so many avenues to explore when it comes to natural hair. We have spoken about some advantages, but in our hair journeys, we can encounter hazards. This is beyond straightener burns and upper arm strain from all the combing. Some of these hazards can actually be fatal such as chemical poisoning from hair relaxers, specifically the toxic chemical called Lye.
Teaching Your Girl Child How To Say No
Goodnews Lekpea
Growing up, I struggled with turning down people’s requests. I was a people pleaser.
I was the only one tasked to check up on the others among my peers. Whatever responsibility shared amongst us, I bore the heaviest; that was because I didn’t know how to tell them I could not. It was completely draining. But I didn’t know how to turn them down.