


How To Keep Your Hair Healthy Through Seasons

Seasons change. Unless you stay on the equator, everyone is going through a season change, either going into summer or feeling the winter breeze creep up. It is easy to find warm coats and summer dresses for the weather, but people often forget that their hair also needs special attention. An increase in humidity in your area can affect the moisture of your hair whilst the winter breeze may dry your hair. Regardless of your hair type or where you live, it would help if you started adjusting your hair regimen and here is how you can keep your hair healthy irrespective of the season.

National Cancer Survival Day

By Tanya Maswaure

“Cancer shaped me, but it did not define me. It’s part of me, but not all of me,” – Hoda Kotb

Cancer is one of the world’s largest health problems. The Global Burden of Disease estimates that 9.56 million people died prematurely as a result of cancer in 2017. Every sixth death in the world is due to cancer. Fortunately, this same research has also shown that due to awareness, early detection and improvements in treatment the rate of survival is increasing. We live amongst thousands of cancer survivors who have fought the battle and pulled through and the National Cancer Survival day is a celebration of these survivors.