


“You’re Not My Real Mom!”

Coping in a step family setting…

Kembet Bolton

Most parents will agree that one of the most difficult parts of parenting is knowing how to apply age-appropriate discipline to their kids. A part from the Christian holy book states that” no discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful”. This underscores the fact that most humans, be it kids or adults, will resent discipline at the time it is being meted out.

Helping Others Find Their Confidence on Waves

By Miracle Nwankwo

“I’ve dedicated my life to empowering girls of colour to get into surfing and to find the peace that they need through the sport”

Imani Wilmot

We all make decisions at some point in our lives that could determine our future and that of other people. When the decisions we make affect the lives of other people positively, we contribute to the global sustainable development goals thus making the world a better place.

COVID-19: How Everyone Can Help Save Lives in Africa

World over, there are more than 821 million people who regularly go to bed hungry, out of which over 100 million suffer from acute hunger, largely due to man-made conflicts, climate change and economic downturns. These are the people who have been drastically impacted by the economic and physical consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic, which has moreover adversely increased the depth of hunger globally.

In Action for Menstrual Hygiene

By Miracle Nwankwo

“If someone as privileged as me is worried about managing her periods during the lockdown, you can only imagine how tough it is for women in containment zones with no new income.”

On hearing the announcement on the governments’ decision to instigate the lockdown policy early this year, we all ran into panic buying, but a few persons rather swung into a panic over the poor and less privilege. We cannot imagine the kind of pain and lack these set of people must be facing especially the women and girls who have to deal with stereotyped issues like menstrual hygiene.

SDG 8 amidst COVID 19–how will women fare?

‘’full and productive employment and decent work for all’’.

Around the world, finding a job is much tougher for women than it is for men. When women are employed, they tend to work in low-quality jobs in vulnerable conditions.

Data from the international labour organization shows that women who want to work have a harder time finding a job than men. This problem is particularly marked in Northern Africa and the Arab States, where unemployment rates for women exceed 16%.