
Love Bites


8 Reasons Why Being Single Is Better Than Being in A Mediocre Relationship

Being coupled up should not be the end goal of your personal life: Being truly happy, regardless of what your relationship status is, should always be the priority. In fact, you’ll likely be a whole lot happier single than you would be if you chose to stay in the wrong relationship. Below, relationship experts offer eight convincing reasons why. Not all relationships are created equally. Relationship aren’t always mutually fulfilling. If you are deeply unhappy with each other, being on your own is probably the preferable option, said therapist Heather Gray. “Having a person in your life doesn’t mean you have real love,” she said. “When you lie to yourself and pretend your relationship is something that it isn’t, you’re hurting yourself. That lie is embarrassing and shaming. It can make you feel weak and pathetic when you don’t even believe the story you’re telling. Your truth, even the painful…

Why Are You Still With Him?

Recently, I hooked up with my friend Muna, who is into a bad relationship, and when we got talking she went off about how low she feels in the strange love circle. I had to ask her, why are you still with him? Strange as it may seem, sometimes it’s not just that easy to let go. And this is not peculiar to women; I’ve had male friends as well, who found they just couldn’t walk away from a bad relationship that easily. It’s an emotional thing, much like that old pair of slip-on you have sitting by your bedside, you know it’s so worn out that you do not feel comfortable being seen in them, but you just do not let them go. While we sat discussing her love issues, I remembered an article I’d come across earlier in the week, and I just had to share it with…

Tough Relationship Does Not Equal Wrong Relationship

13 Little Signs you are With The Right Person By: Carolyn Steber Relationships have its ups and downs. Sometimes you may feel that you are with the wrong person because it could get really tough but this doesn’t mean you have made the wrong decision in choosing a partner. Regardless of all the tough and rocky times, you would be able to tell if you are with the right person.If your relationship has a few of the traits below, it’s likely you two are going to be OK. It just may require a dose of understanding from both sides, as well as some extra work to make things, well, work. And, more often than not, that’s totally worth it. You Know How to Help Each De-Stress Like I said, life can be tough and relationships can be rocky. But if you both retain the ability to laugh about it all, you’ll likely…

Does True Love Truly Count?

According to statistics which emerged from a study conducted to mark the paperback release of The Rosie Project, a novel about a man’s quest to find his perfect wife, it was revealed that while 94 percent of women believe in true love, just 88 percent of men feel the same way. Your Dictionary defines True love as a strong and lasting affection between spouses or lovers who are in a happy, passionate and fulfilling relationship. In the same vein, the Oxford dictionary sees true love as an intense feeling of deep affection. There are various interpretations as to what true love means, however, the search for a compatible partner which most women might call “Mr. Right”, often poses a huge problem. Lori Gottlieb, an American writer and Author of the book “Marry Him” says, “Every woman I know – no matter how successful and ambitious, how financially and…

Ways To Encourage Your Partner Who Is On a Weight-Loss Journey

By: Valerie Dei Do you have someone in your life that is battling with weight loss? Or a partner that is overweight but you do not know how to help out with the weight loss journey for fear of hurting your partner’s feeling? Well, it is okay to feel this way but it is also very possible to go about this without hurting their feelings. If you have decided to take this bold step, It is very important to be gentle and non-judgmental. Note that your spouse needs to make this decision of losing weight before you can help. When that decision has been made you can then support with the following guide: Be a major source of Encouragement: Always try to be appreciative of the little success you partner makes at a time. Research shows that people that successfully lose weight are those that had people encouraging them to…

Building Trust in Your Relationship

As a relationship gets older, trust is often times misplaced or misunderstood. Most times because of the fact that majority of us before getting into a relationship do not take out time to know how much trust means to you and your partner and we also do not take out time to communicate our expectations in the relationship to one another. Before you can build trust it is important to take out time to know the mindset your partner is bringing into the relationship or the expectations he has concerning the relationship. When these have been achieved trust becomes easier to build. Here are 8 ways to build trust in your relationship. Trust is Earned: do not assume that trust already exists in your relationship rather constantly work to earn it by being conscious of our actions and how it affects the people we care about. Keep Secrets: this doesn’t…

Check Your Emotions Lest it Breaks You

Emotions are part of us as humans. Most of the times, we take decisions based on our emotions but as much as it is a very important part of our life it is good that we have control over it and not let our feelings control us. The way we feel at certain points is quite difficult to manage especially when we have reached our breaking point. It may sometimes lead to bottling up emotions which serve as the best poison to mess up your perfectly healthy relationship, work life, and even casual friendships. How then do we get a handle on our feelings when we have reached our breaking point? How do you stop bottling up your emotions? It’s a tough practice, but I’ve got a few answers. Let’s try them out. CHECK IN WITH YOUR FEELINGS DAILY Feelings can get the better part of us sometimes but it…