
Girl Talk


Cultivating real friendship tips for teenagers

Having great friends to share your life with is a gift like no other, after all, friends are the family you choose.

On Wednesday, March 14, 2018, my 23-year-old neighbour ‘’Vicky’’ took her own life. We were later to discover she had posted a suicide note on a well-known social networking site where she had over six thousand followers. Her message had sounded like a desperate plea for attention. Although she had all those social network “friends” online, not one came to her aid. Vicky had locked herself up in the kitchen of her apartment and taken a bottle of sniper (a poisonous insecticide) mixed with an equal dose of morning fresh (a common dishwashing liquid). A suicide note was later to be found in ‘’Vicky’s room.

Why Teenagers Have Trust Issues with Parents

Taking just an hour tea break at Louis’ place left me wondering why a 10-year-old child who has formed a habit of spending quality time with her mum, narrating every single happening in her life now suddenly turns 14 and can barely let mum into her life issues. Everything to her now seems private at every single time, even when mum attempts to engage her young vibrant teenager in a discussion; it always ends up with the phrase “I may not be able to talk about it now, mum”. Ignoring an already existing absence of trust between a teenager and her mum can be highly detrimental to the family relationship since trust is an important part of any relationship. Trust in a relationship goes a long way to represent your belief in someone’s good sense, ability or honesty. As your child gets older and starts becoming more independent especially at…

Dealing With Depression In Teenagers

Being a teenager can be tough. There are changes taking place in your body and brain that can affect how you learn, think, and behave. And if you are facing tough or stressful situations, it is normal to have emotional ups and downs. But if you have been overwhelmingly sad for a long time (a few weeks to months) and you’re not able to concentrate or do the things you usually enjoy; you may want to talk to a trusted adult about depression. Teen depression is a serious mental health problem that causes a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest in activities. It can cause emotional, functional and physical problems. What Is Depression Depression (major depressive disorder) is a medical illness that can interfere with your ability to handle your daily activities, such as sleeping, eating, or managing your school work. Depression is common but that doesn’t mean…

Embracing Your Inner Beauty

“Beauty is the illumination of your soul.” John O’Donohue “Outer beauty attracts but inner beauty captivates.” Kate Angell “Outer beauty is a gift; Inner beauty is an accomplishment.” Randi G. Fine “Take care of your inner, spiritual beauty. That will reflect in your face.” Dolores Del We can go on and on and still not run out of quotes on INNER BEAUTY. There is one resounding truth about all these wise sayings though; and it is that we must embrace our inner beauty. Singer and songwriter, Natasha Khan popularly known as Bat for Lashes recently made a comment in her interview on Evening Standard where she spoke on the Pressures women face. She said, “I’m realizing that beauty isn’t skin deep. It can be when you’re young but when you get older you have to really make sure your essence is vital and alive, that you’re a beautiful person on…

Now That She is faced with Stress

Mrs. Jean has just recently noticed her 16-year-old daughter’s frequent emotional instability, her recent moodiness and the obvious flare up or irritation to happenings around her. This issue now seems to be to so worrisome considering that her always vibrant and proactive sweet daughter now acts like a mascot. On a closer look at Suzanne, Mrs. Jean finally discovered that her little teenager seemed to be facing a lot of stress both from school and her relentless efforts to gain relevance among her peers. It is easy for all mothers to realize when they are stressed by their responsibilities either at home or at work. It is not too easy though for them to realise their dear teenage daughter is right in the midst of severe stress. Why would a teenage girl who at the moment has no bills to pay, feel stressed. Most teens experience stress when they perceive…

5 Vital Things You Must Know About Parenting a 21st Century Teenager

By Eloke-Young Splendor Great families make great societies. Every criminal and ill-mannered citizen of a country is of course the product of a family. This therefore, emphasizes the need to have a society filled with highly knowledgeable and purpose driven parents who have given themselves to learning about what it takes to parent a 21st century Teenager. It is impossible to see a mother who does not want to be referred to as the “best mom ever” even though in these recent times that phrase does not actually validate a woman’s skills of being the ideal model of a top-notch parent. For every single activity on the planet earth, as well as parenting too, a particular skill or even various skills are required for an individual to remain on top of her game. As a 21st century parent who desires to raise well-mannered teenage daughters, who will eventually grow…