


Kenya Celebrates Ongare’s Olympic Participation

Kenya’s Sports Cabinet Secretary, Amina Mohamed, along with the National Olympic Committee of Kenya officials, has reached out to encourage and lift the spirits of eliminated Kenyan boxers, offering consolation to Christine Ongare who was part of the team. Christine Ongare’s campaign met a hitch when she lost to Irish Magno of the Philipines in a flyweight bout and Amina noted that the country remains proud of the strides the sport of boxing has taken. “It’s a wonderful journey for all of us… we are getting back into boxing. Nick and Christine are opening the door for everyone else and I’m proud of them. They have done an amazing job and everyone is talking about how hard Christine worked and how well she did” she said. Amina pledged to support Ongare’s boxing career further ‘so that she can realize her dreams, urging the team Team Kenya to stay focused on…

Gender Commission in Zimbabwe Calls for Reforms in The Mining Sector

Zimbabwe’s Gender Commission has declared that the inclusion of women in the mining sector value chain hinges on legal reforms to promote decent work, equality, and gender mainstreaming; hence, the need to reform the system according to ZGC Commissioner, Naome Chimbetete, who called for progressive reforms to promote equal opportunities for participation.