Maya Angelou has become the first Black woman ever to appear on a US quarter after a coin featuring the late poet and activist’s image went into circulation on Monday.
Sara Beysolow Nyanti Lauds Former President Sirleaf
Sara Beysolow Nyanti has extolled former President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf for being the first Liberian to recognize and celebrate her (Sara’s) appointment as Assistant Secretary-General of the United Nations.
Judge Judy Donates $5 Million to Put Women Through Law School
One of television’s most recognizable jurists has donated $5 million to her law school alma mater, establishing a scholarship program for female students.
Canada to Resettle Families of Female Afghan Judges Living in Greece
Canada will take in female Afghan judges and their families who have been living in limbo, primarily in Greece since their evacuation from Afghanistan in the fall, a spokesperson for the immigration minister has said.
Nigerian Government Reiterates Support for Women Enterprises
The Nigeria Minister of Women Affairs, Dame Pauline Tallen, has reiterated the federal government’s commitment to prioritise programmes that will empower women and contribute to national economic development.
Thousands Take Part in Global Marches Against Gender-Based Violence
Chanting for gender equality and bearing purple banners, thousands of people took to the streets across the world in marches to mark the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women.
Biden To Nominate Shalanda Young As Budget Director
United States President Joe Biden has announced he will nominate Shalanda Young to lead the White House’s Office of Management and Budget, an influential post that sets policies across the US government.