
7 Things


7 Confidence Boosters for Women in S.T.E.M

Research has proven that most women who have successfully navigated to the top in a patriarchal dominated system have suffered an endless struggle with confidence no matter how intellectually sound they might be. In S.T.E.M (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics), women’s confidence has long been under assault from implications and overt insults that women are less likely to succeed, and even suggestions that “innate” differences between men and women make women less suited for S.T.E.M careers. Could this account for the reason why fewer than 2 in 10 women in S.T.E.M who have achieved success, have a report of being extremely confident in their abilities? For any level of success to be attained in life, the role of confidence as a key ingredient cannot be overemphasized. Since confidence has been discovered as the best weapon every woman in STEM must be armed with, it is of great importance to note…

7 Signs That Show Your Child Is a Picky Eater

Picky eating is one of the most rampant and identifiable problems of a child. Most parents are faced with catastrophe preparing meals for a child who is a picky eater. The effect of picky eating if not identified at an early stage can make a child struggle with food throughout their whole childhood and sometimes even as adults. Picky eating is often a concern for mothers who worry about their children receiving enough good nutrition which is necessary for child’s development. Nothing is more perturbing than having a child whose growth process and license to a healthy life is hampered due to picky eating habits. Mealtimes can hold little or no joy for you because you have to struggle to feed your child. Force feeding a child is not only stressful but also frustrating to both the parent and the child. Sri Devi Mageandran, a Senior Speech-Language Therapist who specializes…

7 Strengths Every Business Woman Should Portray

A person’s strength is not only revealed in his physical appearance but also his charisma and the aura he gives away; this aura is what leaves a lasting impression in the mind of his admirers than whatever physical qualities he might possess. Everyone involved in business or money making process desires to amplify their strengths before their prospective clients; bearing in mind that this is the first route to making sales as well as profit. Being a woman should not be a limiting factor to attaining great heights and inventing solutions to world problems. To be a successful business woman there are certain personality traits that must not be found wanting within you. Below are 7 strengths to be portrayed by any woman who is willing to take over the business world: Ownership Mentality: A great business woman possesses strong ownership of her business, whether good, bad, ugly or exceptionally…

Seven Things Positive Parenting Does to an Individual

The art of parenting is often referred to as one of the most difficult but fulfilling jobs in the world. It has no written constitution as to how the rules should work, or a magical formula that perfects the system because every child differs from the other. However, for the parent, there are certain developments that must happen in their lives while taking up the responsibility to parent a child. We do know parents are the first role models, teachers, and guardians to their wards, which is why most parents consciously or unconsciously subscribe to self-development to help their child learn best. Parenting is a full time job that lasts for a long time, and the rewards are everlasting. Although parenting can be exhausting, it never leaves the individual underdeveloped depending on the level of sacrifices that was dedicated to the course. From the very stance of conception, to the…

7 Effective Ways a Woman Can Multi-Task

The act of multitasking has been attached to a superhuman ability in these modern times although it is one of the vital attributes every woman should possess. Multi-tasking is an activity most people perform almost every day even though they might not be conscious of it. You might be wondering what exactly multi-tasking is. Dictionary defined multitasking as the simultaneous execution of multiple tasks or programs under the control of an interrupt-driven operating system. Multitasking can be a great strategy to realizing your unending to-do lists, thereby, increasing your productivity although; you must learn to accord the appropriate focus to each task. As women move out from the cliché of just being housewives to occupying seats in top boardrooms, the need to be great mothers as well as excellent career women becomes more needful and sometimes stressful. Being a home-keeper, wife and a career mom can be very exhausting for…


There are daily habits that could definitely help you crack the code of feeling more comfortable in your own skin. You don’t need to be a high-class celebrity to be confident and keep your shoulders high rather; you just have to recognize that being confident is not a destination but a great step to achieving that sparkling bright future. Being confident is a process to find your light, embrace it, and learn to let yourself shine without fear of being dimmed by the outside. Below are seven (7) great habits that can boost a woman’s confidence in a tremendous way:- Use Positive Affirmations: To improve your confidence you should have several positive sentences that you repeat to yourself many times throughout your day. The use of positive affirmation is a very powerful way to program the subconscious mind and create action as you are first who you say you are,…