Indian cosmetics-to-fashion platform Nykaa surged 96% in a blockbuster debut on Wednesday, November 10, 2021, fetching the country’s first women-led unicorn a nearly $14 billion valuation.
Michelle Wu Makes History As The First Woman And First Person Of Colour Elected Mayor Of Boston
Boston has elected its first woman mayor. Michelle Wu, 36, will be the first woman to serve in the city’s top office and the first person of colour. She defeated fellow Democrat Annissa Essaibi George, 47.
Karis And Eloes Hand of Hope Foundation to Empower 5,000 Rural Women In Nigeria
In a bid to help improve the standard of living of women and girls, especially those in rural areas across Lagos, Nigeria, Karis and Eloes Hand of Hope Foundation has committed to empowering 5,000 women. The project is intended to reduce the harsh economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, while also decreasing the migration of rural women to urban areas, by empowering them with business and life skills that will elevate them from extreme poverty and encourage their migration back to their local communities.
Recipients of Google Impact Challenge for Women Funding Announced has announced the 34 funding recipients of the Impact Challenge for Women and Girls. The $25-million global philanthropy challenge was launched in March 2021 and called for gender equity-focused organisations to submit their ideas to create a more equitable economic reality for women and girls.
The 9th South America – Africa – Middle East- Asia Women Summit (SAMEAWS) 2021– Virtual
DATE: 30 November 2021
WHERE: Virtual
THEME: Forging and Adapting to New Realities for Greater Influence and Impact in a Rapidly Changing World
The South America-Africa-Middle-Asia Women Summit (SAMEAWS) is an annual programme that brings together, the most influential and prominent women as well as key stakeholders from the South America, Africa, Middle East, and Asian regions to re-emphasize the critical role of women in the future of developing economies, celebrate influential and prominent female role models who are directly contributing to their development, and most assuredly, confront the inequalities women face and focus on the change we want to see – and create – in the world.
Access Bank’s W Initiative Provides Support for 1,500 Women Via Its Health Month Programme
The ‘W’ Initiative, a flagship woman empowerment programme from Access Bank Plc, provided a series of health screenings for women through its W Health Month.
“We need to reshape our own perception of how we view ourselves”
“We need to reshape our own perception of how we view ourselves. We have to step up as women and take the lead.” Beyoncé Giselle Knowles-Carter American singer, songwriter, and actress