Ranked among the World’s 100 Most Powerful Women by some of the leading ranking platforms around the globe, Roshni Nadar is our female hero of the week. From a media student to a Tech leader, she has repeatedly shown honour, ambition, and determination in all her work. Roshni Nadar has frequently paved the way for women across the globe and continues to lead by example, making her a more than perfect candidate for our heroine of the week.
Vaccinations in Pregnant Women
By Tanya Maswaure
In August of 2021, after the world had been battling the Covid-19 pandemic, the FDA approved the first vaccine against covid-19. Many countries followed and began distributing and approving various vaccines against this disease from that point on. Currently, 60% of the world population has received at least one vaccine dosage, and as more research is done, more individuals are getting vaccinated. Throughout all this development, scientists have been investigating and further testing how the vaccine would react to vulnerable populations, including children and pregnant women. Finally, some breakthroughs have been revealed.
“Courage starts with showing up and letting ourselves be seen.”
“Courage starts with showing up and letting ourselves be seen.” Casandra Brené Brown American research professor, lecturer, author, and podcast host. Brown is known in particular for her research on shame, vulnerability, and leadership.
Mayor of Freetown wins Bloomberg Award
By Tanya Maswaure
Yvonne Denise Aki-Sawyerr, OBE, serving as the current mayor of Freetown, Sierra Leone’s capital and largest city, has been awarded the Bloomberg award for the Mayors Challenge this week. The annual competition recognizes 15 cities across the globe with the most promising ideas, innovations, and most recently, their adjustment to the pandemic.
Salima Mukansanga Makes History at AFCON
In an entertaining spectacle that displayed Africa’s best football stars, a moment in African sports history happened when Salima Mukansanga became the first woman to be the lead official at the African Cup of Nations Tournament.
“Increase Your Fibre Intake”
By Goodnews Buekor
Increase your fiber intake! Perhaps you have heard this before. But do you know why fiber is so beneficial for your health?
Coping With Depression
By Goodnews Buekor
This is not my friend, lamented Joyce!
Ever since she lost her job, she wouldn’t come out of the room, and she wouldn’t talk to the kids. Joyce shut everyone out, and on several occasions, I have caught her staring into space and talking to herself.