
Amazons Watch Magazine


7 Tips To Help Teen Girls Follow Their Passion

A child’s identity begins the moment they are born; however, the teenage phase is a defining period. In this phase, critical decisions that will affect and shape their identities into adulthood will be made. One of such is the frequently asked question, “What will you want to be when you grow up?” Parents play a crucial role when it concerns kids’ aspirations of what they want to be. The adolescent age is where self-limiting thoughts can appear especially for girls, but the parent can help keep the passion of the teenage girl in check through conversations and creating the right opportunities.

From The Streets to Parliament

By Khadija Yusra Sanusi

In July 2021, Dinidari Foundation – which envisions a society where fundamental rights of vulnerable women and youth are upheld – hosted a 4-hour conference titled From the Streets to Parliament: Strengthening Women’s Political Power in Nigeria. The conference was curated by Abuja Discourse, a platform coordinated by the foundation to curate conversations about policy and legislative-driven solutions to different issues including women, youths, electoral reforms, access to justice, bills, and sexual harassment.