
Amazons Watch Magazine


Traditional Kenyan cuisine gets UNESCO recognition

By- Aditi Maheshwari Kenya has been selected for listing in the Register of Good Safeguarding Practices. According to UNESCO, the listing aims to protect the intangible cultural heritage that makes people and their culture stand out in their history, nationalities, languages, ideology, and values. Kenyan farmers campaign to improve nutritional knowledge because they believe it will help sustain a healthy community, especially important during the pandemic. It has taken fifteen years of collaboration between scientists and communities, including school children, to earn this distinction. The project dates back to 2007, when researchers became aware of a decline in the food diversity in the country. Two main initiatives were launched; first, the scientists and community groups made an inventory of traditional foods, focusing on traditional vegetables. About 850 indigenous plants with local names were recorded. The inventory was followed by detailed documentation of use and related indigenous knowledge, including recipes and…

Top 10 female awardees at the Grammys and Oscars

By Tanya Maswaure Alongside headlines of Chris Rock and Will Smith, the internet spaces were filled with comments and celebrations as the Grammys and Oscars award season began in March. This year, several women stood out, swooping record-setting awards in their respective industries. Here are a few of our favourite Celebrity Amazons from the Oscar and Grammy awards. Best New Artist and Best Pop Solo Performance: Olivia Rodrigo Olivia Isabel Rodrigo, an American singer-songwriter and actress, is our youngest awardee winning a Grammy for the Best New Artist and another for Best Pop Solo Performance and Best Pop Vocal Album. She was nominated in 7 different categories for her new music, and she performed her hit song Driver’s Licence at the same event. Olivia began her journey as an actress on Disney Channel, and she dove into her passion for music in the year 2020 and has seen her music…

5 Amazing Recipes You Can Make From Potatoes

By Goodnews Bueker Potatoes are one of my favourites, and we cannot stay mad at them. Even though people often say nasty things about them for their level of carbs, their tendency to soak up oil, and large scale on the glycemic index (which estimates how different fast foods increase one’s blood sugar), we keep finding our way to them. It isn’t entirely our fault. Regardless of people’s knee-jerk reaction to this delicious tuber, it also passes for a healthy eating plan. It provides a ton of immunity-boosting vitamin C, potassium that regulates blood pressure and sufficient fibre that the body needs. It is also important to note that the glycemic index is quite controversial. A high glycemic index potato could become a low glycemic index meal if added a little olive oil. This is because the added fat aids to hamper the absorption of the potato’s carbs. So, you…

How To Leave A Toxic Relationship

“Philip was the sweetest man I had ever met. He was everything I wanted in a man. At last, I found my answered prayers, I thought. It was barely two months into our relationship that I realized I had made a mistake. Philip was a control freak. He wanted to know where I was at every second, he controlled my finance, monitored my life, and worst still, he hit me at any chance.” “I never thought this would happen to me. “Whenever I took up the courage to confront him, he would lock me up for days. He cut me off from my loved ones and friends. He finds fault with everybody else and why they were not good enough. “I am thankful that I left. It was not quite easy. But I ended the relationship, and I am glad I did,” explained Jovita, my neighbour.” Ideally, no one desires…

I was interested in stepping out as a woman in philanthropy

I was interested in stepping out as a woman in philanthropy because I know that there are lots of powerful and generous women in the community and it gives us a common cause, which is schools. We show that we have strength and influence. Sally Anderson Sally is a Prominent futurist, visionary and behavioural specialist. She has established a unique coaching organisation in Auckland, New Zealand

Five Exercises That Every Pregnant Woman Should Do

Exercising during pregnancy can be helpful for a woman’s mental and physical health, and it can as well provide the newborn with a healthier beginning. Frequent exercise during pregnancy can enhance your posture and lessen some common distress such as backaches and fatigue. There are proven facts that physical activity may curb gestational diabetes (diabetes that develops during pregnancy), alleviate stress, and generate more strength needed for labour and delivery.