The period of breastfeeding for a mother is not just a moment of bonding for her and her baby. It is also a time to create lasting memories. According to World Health Organization, breastmilk is the perfect food for a newborn. They recommend exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months, then up to two years and beyond while introducing additional foods. Though, due to many factors, such as a mother combining work and nursing her baby, getting breast milk readily available may be challenging. However, with Elvie’s breast pump invention, breast milk pumping has been made a whole lot easier.
5 Perfect Ways to Get Your Kids to Listen Without Having to Yell
By Goodnews Buekor
“No, Jake, you will have to visit your cousin tomorrow. Right now, it’s snowing, and it’s cold outside. Let’s do that tomorrow, okay?” I thought I had just finished talking to my 5-year-old boy for the fourth time. Here he is again, crying that he wants to see Derick, his cousin. I am cut in between yelling at him or just ignoring him.
Colouring your Natural Hair
By Tanya Maswaure
Welcome back to our natural hair series, where we explore and celebrate black natural kinky, curly hair. In this session, we will explore colouring natural hair and how you can do this safely without damage. Similar to the increased interest of individuals cutting their hair during the lockdown, anyone on social media must have seen an increased number of videos of young girls colouring their hair. There is something captivating and exciting about changing your hair; if you feel like doing that, you have the freedom to do so. We just want to make sure that you colour your hair safely.
“I don’t believe in failure and I don’t believe in competition”
“I don’t believe in failure, and I don’t believe in competition. The only time you can fail is when you stop, and the only person you should consider competition is who you were yesterday.” By Jess Goldsmith Award-winning multi-disciplinary illustrator.
Excellent Ways to Upscale Your Business, Business Experts Reveal
Growing a business is no small task. There is no successful business that was built in a day. Every successful business is a product of lots of planning and investments. It is one thing to start a business and another to ensure it grows and meets the target. Hence, the need to upscale your business cannot be overemphasized.
Meet Claire Karekezi, Who is Rwanda’s First and Only Female Neurosurgeon Inspiring Girls
When Claire Karekezi started medical school in 2002, neurosurgery did not exist in Rwanda, but she is now the first and only female neurosurgeon in the country.
Tips for Bright and Healthy Eyes
As a woman, tired eyes can give you a worn-out look even if your skincare regime is top-notch.
Remember that younger version of you? She could stay up all night and wake up looking fresh-faced and ready to conquer the world. She’s still in there; she’s just tired.