I was still in high school when my classmate lost her mom to cancer. Poor Tracy was so utterly devastated that it affected her academic performance and as such her grades weren’t good enough to get her into the next class. Cancer is the leading cause of death worldwide, accounting for nearly 10 million deaths, or one in six deaths in 2020.
Handling Conflicts Among Friends
By Tanya Maswaure
We are all raised in different ways and in different houses. Everyone has their values and priorities, and sometimes your preferences may not align with those around you. This is why conflicts are inevitable. Some people think that if you have a dispute with someone, then you both are not meant to be friends, but actually, that’s hardly ever the case. Arguments are bound to happen even in families where everyone was raised under the same roof, with the same values. There is no way of absolutely avoiding conflict amongst your friends, which is why you need to learn how to navigate through them.
House Plants That Are Beneficial to The Lungs
By Goodnews Buekor
The lung is a powerful and significant organ that aids our breathing. It helps to purify and enhance the diffusion of oxygen in the blood. Modernization has negatively affected the environment, and the air we breathe is sometimes contaminated. Contaminants from chemicals, dust, pollen, pollutants, and various bacteria, affect the lungs. Furthermore, toxins and seasonal changes in the weather that trigger allergies can be detrimental to the lungs.
Why Women Should Take More Breaks and Travel More
Although the current global labour force participation rate for women is just under 47%, women are forever competing and working hard to maintain their positions or get promoted. Research has shown that women work harder and produce more than men in workspaces. The gender salary gap is still prevalent in most places, and there remains a “pink tax” that has women making 81.8 percent for the same work performed by men. The reasons why women should take a break are ever-increasing, and it is known that all work and no play is never a good balance. Consequently, in this article, we discuss the importance of travel for women’s mental health.
WRAPA, CSOs Call for Gender-Friendly Manifestos Ahead of Nigeria’s 2023 Presidential Election
The Civil Society Organisations, and the Women’s Rights Advancement and Protection Alternative, WRAPA, have called for a gender-friendly manifesto in Nigeria.
Medica Liberia Commences Training of 200 Women Rights Advocates
To implement the Spotlight Initiative project supported by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), Medica Liberia has commenced training 200 Grassroots Women’s Rights Advocates with Montserrado and Grand Cape Mount Counties.
The World We Want for Women (4W) is an initiative of the Amazons Watch Magazine aimed at collating and documenting a compendium of short stories from young girls and women aged 9-35, about their vision of the world they want for women. Consequently, strategies to effectively articulate and transition the vision embedded in these stories into reality will be developed and implemented by engaging multi-stakeholders with similar interests across the globe.