
Amazons Watch Magazine


The World We Want for Women: Re-echoing the Voices of Aspiring Young Girls

Amazons Watch Magazine is thrilled to launch a new segment that will project the voices, opinions, and aspirations for the future of women. As a renowned representative for young girls and a voice for women-related causes, we invited several young ladies across the world between the ages of 9 to 15 to feature in the first ‘The World We Want for Women (4W)’ Short Stories Series. The 4W is a compendium of short stories from young ladies aged 9-25, detailing their vision of the world they want for themselves. This initiative is targeted at girls and young women with lofty ambitions and a dream for the future of women. It is a viable platform for contributing to and orchestrating the future of women in the coming decades. Here, we allow them to dream, reach out and discuss the possibilities of the future and the part we all play to ensure…

Living with Gluten Intolerance

“You don’t realise how many things have gluten in them until you just want a packet of chips, and the spices in them get you admitted into a hospital!” Makaziwe laughed as she explained to Amazons Watch Associate Editor in an exclusive interview about her journey of living with gluten intolerance. Gluten is such a common element in almost all of our meals. Most of our staple foods almost always include gluten in them, making it a battle for people living with gluten intolerance or celiac disease.