
Amazons Watch Magazine


Fathers Should Take their Daughters’ Hands and Walk them to School – Afghanistan Professor.

Afghanistan professor Ismail Mashal has campaigned on girls’ child education, calling on men to stand up for women, especially the girl child. Professor Mashal, who runs a private university in Kabul, says he has had enough of the restrictions women face in Afghanistan. Slender and well-dressed, he is a mixture of defiance and raw emotion. “Even if they’re not allowed in – they should do this daily. It’s the least they can do to prove they are men,” he tells me, holding back tears. “This is not me being emotional – this is pain. Men must stand up and defend the rights of Afghan women and girls.” In December, the Taliban government announced female university students would no longer be allowed back – until further notice. They said they were doing this to enable them to create an Islamic learning environment aligned with Sharia law practices, including changes to the…

International Day of Education

One of the best tools to eradicate the world’s problems is Education

By Ekemini Etukudo

As the foremost voice for women globally, the Amazons Watch, we have been interviewing and interacting with several female leaders who have emphasised education’s importance. It should not be c an option; it should be something that everyone has access to. The International Day of Education focuses on the right to an education as enshrined in article 26 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The declaration calls for free and compulsory elementary education. The convention of the Rights of the child, adopted in 1989, stipulates that countries shall make higher education accessible to all.