
Amazons Watch Magazine


Political Participation of Women: What Does This Mean For Gender Equality?

By Donah Mbabazi Any nation that fails to educate its girls or employ its women and allow them to maximise their potential is doomed to fall behind in the global economy. Imagine if you have a team and you don’t let half the team play, that’s stupid! That makes no sense.– Barack Obama, 44th President of U.S.A on his maiden visit to Kenya in 2015. For a very long time, women were consigned to the back, especially when it came to key issues, such as decision-making, and this led to infamous narratives like ‘women belong in the kitchen’, a statement that will drive any feminist nutty trying to explain just how wrong that is. There has been progress towards the equal representation of men and women in decision-making in the past ten years. According to statistics from UN Women, the percentage of women in parliament has nearly doubled in the…

Seven Negative Things that Happen When you Lose Weight

The case to lose weight and get healthy is rooted in a better life and not just better looks. People all over the world are presented with different fad diets and exercise regimens that are supposed to help them lose weight. Weight loss sure has lots of benefits that transcends from being healthier generally to being able to fit into that size x dress you bought for a party. While the benefits of weight loss are thrown to us via books, social media and even well-meaning friends or relatives, people hardly talk about the down side of losing weight. Surprised? I was too. Now let’s see 7 not so fun things that happen to our body when we lose weight. 1. You May Develop Sagging Skin and Stretch Marks Loose, sagging skin and stretch marks is the product of losing lots of weight too fast. Registered dietitian nutritionist Malina…

Becoming a Hope Giver

In recent times, women all over the world are beginning to pay a closer attention to philanthropy since they have realized that this does not only put smiles on faces but also affords them the opportunity to become agents of empowerment to the society at large. The quest to make the world a better place, is currently spreading among women from different works of life who are going the extra mile to be a part of the new generation world changers. In Philippine, Nanette Medved-Po a former film actress, TV host and model began her journey into philanthropy when she sighted an opportunity to make a difference using her wealth and fame. The newness about philanthropy is in the modern perception that surrounds it, which is the idea that wealth and fame can be used as tools to promote good cause for the welfare of others. According to John Gardner,…

When Friendship-First Is Not a Burden

It was another Valentine day, and Sandra stood at the city mall, staring at a couple who came shopping. She wished she could be in the lady’s shoe but this will be very unlikely, and the thought left her sad, immediately. She had met Clarke some months ago, and had thought that their relationship would have matured into romance. However, six months down the line, they had only become better friends and Clarke was yet to make any move about moving the relationship to the next level. “I’m tired”, “I can’t wait any longer” she murmured to herself. This has been Sandra’s continuous trauma two months after she met Clarke. She wanted more and she was dying to have it. Sandra is not the only one with such trouble; her situation is common with most ladies. Whenever they meet a nice guy whose manifesto befits their requirement (I.e. they are…

Mental Illness Is Nothing to Be Ashamed Of

You have probably experienced an emotional phase in your life that has negatively affected you and left you feeling gloomy. Instead of asking for help to cope better with your situation, you were afraid of seeking help because of what people might think or say. Health experts say the stigma of mental illness is rife and that’s the reason people tend to be in denial or don’t want to confront the emotions they might be going through. Psychiatrist, Dr Linessa Moodley, and clinical psychologist, Nompumelelo Kubheka, share expert advice that discredits the stigma and myths on mental illness. WHAT IS MENTAL ILLNESS? The World Health Organisation defines health as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or illness. Mental illness and disorder can be understood as an illness that adversely affects emotions, cognition, behaviour or speech and results in deterioration in the…

Mia Mottley – Barbados First Female Prime Minister

Mia Mottley’s life story buttresses the fact that women are defiling the norm and blazing the trail, even in a somewhat patriarchal society.

Born into a family of successful leaders, she was certainly familiar to leadership. Her father Eliott Deighton Mottley was a barrister who sat in the House of Assembly, albeit for a relatively short time before vacating the seat to become consul-general in New York. He married Mia’s mother, Santa Amor Tappin in December 1964 just three years after being called to the Bar and was elected to represent Bridgetown (Bardados) in May 1969.